Written in Turkish by Mehmet Yaşar Kandemir
Translated into English by Hayat Yakup Arıcıoğlu
Some impertinent say:
“Quran is enough for us, no need for hadiths. It should he asked those who say so:
Can you tell me where it is written in the Quran that the morning prayer’s (fajr) fard (compulsory prayer) consists of two units?
In which verse is it stated that the noon (dhuhr), the late afternoon (asr) and the night prayer’s (isha) fard have four, evening prayer’s (maghrib) fard has three units?
Where does the beginning time of the prayers take place in the Quran?
In which verse is it stated that the Quran is recited not loudly but quietly in the noon and the late afternoon prayers?
Is it explained in the Quran that we should give one fortieth of our savings as alms (zakat)?
Dear brothers! None of these is explained in the Quran. We learn all these, other missions of ours and how to perform the all from our Prophet’s (sas) hadith and sunnah.
We would not be able to know how to live our religion if hadith-I sharifs did not exist.
Allah (swt) did not only send His Rasul (sas) the Quran. He (swt) also gave him (sas) the authority of ordering and prohibiting some acts.
Our elders from Companions and Tabi’un would prohibit an action that is against the sunnah and not let others be in it.
If someone pontificates perchance by saying:
“Okay but is it in the Quran?”
“Yes, it is” they say and recite him the following verse:
“And whatever the Messenger has given you- take; and what he has forbidden you- refrain from. (Hashr 59/7)
Dear brothers!
It is ordered in the Quran to refer what we disagree over to Allah (swt).
It might be asked as such:
“It is okay but how are we going to refer to Allah? How are we going to refer to Rasulullah (sas) who is not alive today?
Some renowned Tabi’un Ulama would explain the verse that orders to refer to Allah and His (swt) Rasul (sas) like this:
Referring to Allah means referring to the Noble Quran. Referring to the Prophet (sas) means referring to his (sas) hadith and sunnah.
Warning To Those Who Do Not Give Importance To The Hadiths
Our Prophet (sas) warned us on many issues. He (sas) also informed us that such people who do neglect the hadith would come out in the future.
There will come a time when some free-liver men who have a full belly and a happy heart will ensconce themselves in a comfortable chair. For they are whippersnappers, they will tell those around them with an air of self-conscious:
“You just take hold of the Book! Whatever you find is permitted in it, take it as permissible, and whatever you find forbidden in it, take it as forbidden.”
Our compassionate Prophet (sas) warned us to not fall in the trap of these presumptuous Hadith rejecters:
“Do not you dare say, ‘We do not know anything besides Quran, we adhere to what we find from the Book of Allah (swt).’ (Abi Dawud, Sunnah 5, Tirmidhi, Knowledge 10)
And certainly, we never think like Hadith rejecters and never forget the warning of our Lord (swt):
“Then let those beware who withstand the Messenger’s order, lest some trial befall them, or a grivous penalty be inflicted on them.” (Nur 24/63.)
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