Translator: Hayat Yakup ARICIOĞLU
Enes (ra) tells:
Rasulullah (sas) reported:
“O people! Allah (swt) has chosen Islam for you as your religion. Therefore, ornament the dignity of Islam with generosity and good manners.
Be careful! Generosity is such a tree in the heaven that its branches extend to the world. It is the generous one who grasps one of these branches. Allah (swt) thus lets him enter Jannah.
Be careful! As for stinginess, it is such a tree in the hell that its branches extend to the world. The stingy one grasps one of them so that Allah (swt) makes him enter the hell as is.”
Rasulullah (sas) related then:
“Show generosity in the way of Allah! Show generosity in the way of Allah!”[1]
[1] İbn Asâkir’den naklen Kandehlevî, Hayâtü’s-Sahâbe, 2/195-196.
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