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Khadija radiyallahu anha

Written in Turkish by Mutlu Binici

Translated into English by Abdullah Müftüoğlu

Meccans used to get married and build their housing at early ages. On the other hand, the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had not got married yet, as he turned 25. It was because his economic conditions were not able to afford another house’s needs. In the meantime, the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) who was the pride of all people should have got married with a woman who was pure and well-mannered. Allah who had created his servant as an orphan and brought him up in the best way by getting him under his protection against all sort of horribleness, made the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) available to come across the most wealthy, beautiful; the symbol of modesty and chastity woman of Mecca.

Khadija bint Khuwaylid was a reputable woman and known as The Purest because of her honor, neatness and social ethics; and Trader because she was occupied with commerce; The Greatest because she was overwise and beautiful. Her father Khuwaylid passed away in the Fijar Wars. Firstly, Khadija (r.a) got married to a man named Ebu Hale Hind b. Nebbaş, after his death, married to Atik b. Aiz.


Most Wealthy Woman of Mecca 

Khadija who was widowed after her second husband’s death became the most wealthy woman of Mecca by the legacies that were from her both first and second husband and her father as well. Qurayş’s notable men included Ebu Cehil asked her to marry them. However, Khadija (r.a) rejected all the offers.

Khadija (r.a) who did not accept the offers of Mecca’s leaders who were rich and well-ranked, fell in love with the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) who amazed her with his supreme morals and unique character, reached the conclusion that he was the most appropriate person to marry. Our prophet was a poor and orphaned man who worked as a shepherd, in the meantime, he was called as ‘’al- Emin’’ and  the most virtuous man of the town who was appreciated with his honesty, good morals and chastity.


I Want to Marry You

Khadija (r.a) sent one of her best friends, Nefise, to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). As Nefise asked Rasool-E Akram why he did not get married, our Prophet said that his economic conditions were not available. Then, when Nefise asked him whether he thinks about getting married to a woman who had beauty, honour, dignity, possessor, Rasool-al Qibriya asked who that woman could be. He got shocked as he heard the name ‘’ Khadija’’ because she rejected tens of meccans who wanted to marry her. Khadija and himself… Could that be possible? When Nefise said to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) that she would deal with this, Rasool’Allah approached to the offer in a good way.

Khadija (r.a) got more confident by what Nefise had told and sent letter to Him : ‘’My cousine ! I have affinity with you. You own good moral, honor between your family members and are reliable person. That’s because I want to marry you.’’

The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had accepted the proposal of marriage. Ebu Talib who got much satisfied by this situation took his brothers with himself and went to Amr b. Esed and presented congratulations. Then, he gave a speech for his nephew, the Prophet Mohammad :

‘’ As if Muhammed b. Abdullah is compared to anyone in Qurayş, he will be the most intelligent and honorable person. However, he is not wealthy at all but what is wealth… A temporary shadow… He requests to marry your daughter, Khadija.

When Ebu Talib finished talking,  Varaka b. Nevfel who was one of the most famous Hanifs gave a speech. As Khadija’s uncle, Amr. b. Esed let his nephew marry, Prophet Mohammad and Khadija’s marriage ceremony had performed by Varaka b. Nevfel who is a Hanif. Rasool-E Akram gave Khadija 500 dirham- A rumor says it was 20 camels- as bride price.

After wedding ceremony, wedding meal had been given. Including Ebu Bakir (r.a), many people joined the wedding of  the Prophet Mohammad’s. When Rasool-E Akram married, he was 25 years old. Khadija (r.a) was 40 years old, which is supported by an authentic tradition. The Prophet Mohammad moved in to Khadija’s house when a few days passed over the wedding.


Choice of Partner…

Khadija (r.a) became a star who was born to our Prophet’s heart. Allah Celle gave Khadija as a gift to Mohammad (pbuh) who was struggling to stay pure in the middle of a bog. Servants who were pure, eager for protecting his (her) good moral and avoid from the sins are always destined with pure servants by Allah Celle.

Khadija who decided to marry the Prophet Mohammad was the most foresighted woman on earth. It was because she cared about his characteristics and good moral instead of his wealth, that’s why she could be the wife of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). That situation tells Muslims a lot. Our mother, Khadija (r.a) showed what should be cared for while marrying in the best way. Muslims should listen carefully to Khadija’s message and care about religiousness instead of beauty, wealth and position.


The Supporter and Lover of Our Prophet (pbuh)

The happiest nest on earth had been built by El-emin and El-tahire’s marriage. This house became an example for them who want to be happy. Mumins always prayed for a marriage which is like Mohammad and Khadija’s marriage. Through their 25-year-old marriage, Khadija (r.a) was always our Prophet’s lover and supporter. As the first revelation came up, She was always the person who assured the Prophet, first believer of him, first prayer after him and the supporter of him by her life and wealth. Khadija who used all of her money on the way of Islam, was the pioneer of all good behaviour.


The Lady of Pearled Pavilion

Once Jibril came to Rasulullah and said ; Oh Rasulallah, when Khadija comes to your side give her both my and Allah’s greetings. Herald her with a pearled pavilion in Jannah which isn’t any trouble and noise in it.

Rasul-i Kibriya had always loved the lady who Allah gave his greeting. When she was still alive, he did not even think of marrying another woman. However, most of Meccans were polygamist in those days. When Khadija (r.a) passed away, Prophet Mohammad got so sad. The year that she died was named as ‘’The Year of Sadness’’ Prophet Mohammad remembered his lover, Khadija and also her good behaviours, virtue and supremacy in longing.

Prophet Mohammad said that Meryem is the best woman of her time, Khadija is the best woman of all times.


Was There Anyone Just Like Her?

 As Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) sacrificed, he would send its meats to Khadija’s friends. Aisha who got married him after a few years of Khadija’s passing, got jealous of him so much because Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) mentioned about Khadija a lot. Once, the Prophet heard of Khadija’s sister, Hale’s voice which was resembled to Khadija’s and said gladly ‘’ Oh my God, she is the daughter of Huveylid’’ When Aisha feeling uncomfortable of it said: “Although Allah gave you a woman better than her, why do you keep talking about her,” Prophet Mohammad got so sad. He was uncomfortable of Aisha talking about her like that and said:

“Was there anyone just like her? Swear to God, Allah have not given me anybody better than her. When people did not believe me, she did. When people lied about me, she affirmed me. When people left me alone, she supported me with her wealth and Allah gave children from her.”

These sayings belonged to a lover whose heart was surrounded by love and who got fidelity. Those who got tears after their lovers for a few days and move on just like nothing happened and sacrificed their both love and lovers to the time, would not understand these sayings and owner of them. Aisha, who saw Prophet Mohammad getting sad, did not upset him ever again.


The Fruits of a Happy Nest

Prophet Mohammad and Khadija (r.a) got 6 children which were consisted of 2 boys and 4 girls. Their sons are Kasım and Abdullah; daughters are Zeyneb, Rukiye, Ummu Gulsum and Fatima.

Prophet Mohammad’s first son was Kasım. Our Prophet got named as Ebu-l Kasım (dad of Kasım) because of his son, Kasım. He passed away when he was 2 years old.

Rasullullah’s first daughter was Zeyneb. As Zeyneb was born, Mohammad (pbuh) was 30 years old. Rukiyye came into the world after Zeyneb. In the meantime, he was 33 years old.

Then, Ummu Gulsum was born. When Rasul-i Ekrem 35 years old, Fatıma saw the light of the day. Our Prophet’s lineage continued with Fatıma.

Mohammad (pbuh)’s son who was called as Tayyib and Tahir, also probably was born in Islamic period but passed away after short of time. As Abdullah’s passing, Mushriks made fun of Prophet Mohammad as ‘’Ebter’’ which means ‘’his family will not continue’’. That situation made Khadija and all the Muslims sad deeply.

Almighty God destined Mohammad (pbuh) “Kevser” and made him the grace of the world. As those who called Prophet ‘’ebter’’, extincted but Mohammad (pbuh) and his family are going to be living in the prays of the Muslims their Salat-u Selam’s and in the Azans which is read all over the minarets.

‘’ Oh God! May have mercy on Mohammad and his family just like you did on Ibrahim and his family. Oh God! May destine Mohammad and his family the plentifulness just like you did to Ibrahim and his family. Beyond any doubt, you are worth to compliment and the Greatest.

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