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Religion Of Love

Author: Erol Demiryürek

Translator: Muhammed Enes Aykut

عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسولُ اللهِ صَلّىٰ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: كَانَ مِنْ دُعَاءِ دَاوُدَ صَلّىٰ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: اَللّـٰهُمَّ  إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ حُبَّكَ  وَحُبَّ مَنْ يُحِبُّكَ. وَالْعَمَلَ الَّذِي يُبَلِّغُنِي حُبَّكَ اَللّـٰهُمَّ  اجْعَلْ حُبَّكَ أَحَبَّ إِلَيَّ مِنْ نَفْسِي وَأَهْلِي وَمِنَ الْمَاءِ الْبَارِدِ 


  Narrated by Ebu d-Derda, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that

  ‘’Prophet David (pbuh) was invoking like this: O my Allah! I want from you that I love you, loving the ones who love you and loving the deeds that will bring me to your love. O my Allah! May your love be above my life, my family, and cold water!‘’

  Islam is the religion of love, calls you through love, surrounded by love

  Someone cannot see Islam`s beauty without love in the heart, just as someone inside of a garden surrounded by roses but lacking capability of seeing. These are blinded and incapable to love. In order to see Islam`s beauty we have to look with an unprejudiced mind. To see the infinite sea of Qur-an`s and Sunnah`s beauties, we have to look with a heart not closed for love and with the virtue to appreciate those who are good, true and, beautiful. 

  Love is the answer for the question of existence, it is the true self-life. The word ‘love’ is mostly used in Quran as ‘Muhabbah’ (محبة). Some ulema say that this philologically originates from ‘Hibbah’ (حبة) which means seed. In fact what they want to say is the love is the seed of the tree of life.

  There is a name of Allah that is a way different from the other 98, which is ‘Wadud’ (الودود)/ The rest of His names are one-sided, which means they only belong to Allah- and expresses one of Allah`s attributes or a blessing of Him to the Humankind. For instance, Allah is ‘Rahim’(الرحيم) (The Most Merciful). However, as the servants of Him we cannot show mercy on him, we are the one who need it. He is ‘Razzaq’ (الرزاق), and provides what we need. However no one can provide Him anything. But the name ‘Wadud’ is being shared both between us and Allah. He is ‘Wadud’, so He loves those who practice good deeds, and so they love Allah(Wadud- The lover/ the one being loved/الودود).

  In Islam, the highest level of love is upon Allah. In Quran ‘’Some of the people equate Allah with others, love the others like they love Him. Those who believe love Allah the most…’’[4] A lover wants to satisfy the one who he loves and to make the loved one love him. So, those who believe try to make Allah love them, the One who created us as we did not exist, through their behaviours and lives. They are those who live Islam with love.

  The Hadith below is a mutual word of both Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) and Prophet David (pbuh).That gives it a special value, which is ’’O my Allah! Deliver me your love and the ones who will benefit me through his love against you. O my Allah! Empower me with the granting of you to practice the deeds that you love! Grant me fill in the space that is left behind the things I loved but you have taken back with the things you love’’[5]

  In both invocation above, narrated through our beloved Prophet there is a concept of desire that is giving the things you love, and then loving the things that are loved by the one who you love is recognition. So, this is one of the signs of the highest level of love.

  Because the real love just as Ibn Kayyim al-Cevziyye said ‘’Love is a fire that burns everything inside the heart but the wishes of beloved.’’[6]

  If I were to list the requests made through these two invokes, they would be

a) Loving Allah and being loved by Him

b) Loving His friends (Halilullah) (لله حليل)

c) Loving the things that will bring us to Allah`s love, which are being stated in Quran and Sunnah as the good deeds being loved by Allah. Our supreme Lord submits and incentivizes us by stating that He loves those who are.

  ‘Muhsinin’ (owners of any good deeds) ( محسنين)[8], ‘Muttaqun’ (المتقون) (The ones obey His order and prevents from commiting sins with high respect and fright)[9], dealing justly, [10] showing patience, [11] ‘Mutawakkilin’ (The ones count on Allah and endorsing the result upon Him as you do your part)( المتوكلين),[12] (substantially and incorporeally) clean,[13] showing struggle on His way (Jihad-جهاد, means showing struggle in order to eliminate the obstacles between Islam and Humanity in terms of life, property and, everything you have), [14] foreswearing, [15] humbly against the believers, proud and tough against heretics [16].

  Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered us in his Hadith that the deeds of getting along with people, [17]benefit to people, [18]earthly and spiritually strong, [19]moral, [20]charitable, [21]well behaving, [22]wishing to reach to Allah, [23]modest and pure, [24]‘Ebrar’ means being from the good ones in neither ways, [25]wealthy inside the heart, [26]trustworthy, being safe for deposits and not torturing his neighbours, [27]covering the responsibilities with quality, [28]doing everything for Allah and love people for Allah`s sake, [29] invocate to Allah a lot, [30]ordering iman, ‘Sila-i Rahim’ (visiting and watching relatives over), everything good and, prohibiting evil, [31] praying constantly even if it is narrow, [32] performing prayers, treating parents well and performing jihad, [33]always remembering of Allah(His entity and the orders and prohibitions), [34] loving and getting angry for Him, [35] making a muslim happy, are from the ones Allah loves.

  Of course the blessings that are welcomed in Hadiths are not involving only these. Those who wish having more can make a research on these sources [37].

  Lastly, I should make the point that sign and the proof for Allah`s love is obedience, [38] and it is about obeying His messenger (pbuh). ‘’ Say, [O Muhammad], If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."[39] ’’Whoever obeys the messenger in fact obeys Allah.``[40] The real power making it easier and tasty to obey Him is love of Him, and any other love that is sourced by this infinite resource, that it is.


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             [1]-Dr. Raşit Küçük, Sevgi Medeniyeti, pg. 18 (Rehber Publications Ankara 1991)

[2]-Chapter Muhammad, Verse 19

[3]-Chapter Zariyah, Verse 56

[4]- Chapter Baqarah, Verse 165

[5]- Tirmizi, Deavat, 74, (3491)

[6]- İbn Kayyim, medaricu’s-Salikin, III/10; see, Sevgi Medeniyeti, pg.30

[7]- Chapter Nisa, Verse 69

[8]- Chapter Baqarah, Verse 195; Chapter Al-i İmran, Verse 134

[9]- Chapter Al-i İmran, Verse 76

[10]- Chapter Hucurat, Verse 9

[11]- Chapter Baqarah, Verses 153 and 155; Chapter Al-i İmran, Verse 146

[12]- Chapter Al-i İmran, Verse 159

[13]- Chapter Baqarah, Verse 222; Chapter Tawbah, Verse 108

[14]– Chapter Maidah, Verse 54; Saff Sûresi 4. Ayet

[15]- Chapter Baqarah, Verse 222

[16]- Chapter Maidah, Verse 54

[17]- Beyhaki, Şuabü’l-İman, No: 7983, 7988; Ahmed, 2/400

[18] -Taberani, el-Mu’cemu’l-Kebir: X/105; İbn Hibban, III/209;Heysemi, I/377

[19]- Müslim; Kader: 34;İbn Mace, Mukaddime, 10

[20] -Beyhaki, Şuabü’l-İman, :No:1924

[21]- Tirmizi, Birr: 40

[22]- Müslim, Selam:15;Birr:77;Buhari: Edeb:35

[23] -Müslim, Zikir,14-18; Buhari, Rikak:41

[24]- Ebu Davud, Hammam,2;Nesai, Gusl:7

[25]- İbn Mace, Fiten: 16

[26]- Müslim, Zühd:11

[27]- Beyhaki, Şuabü’l İman: II/201

[28]- Taberani, el-Mu’cemu’l-Evsat: I/275,No:897

[29]- Ahmed, IV /386; Malik, Şiir:16

[30]- Tirmizi, Deavat:116

[31]- Ebu Ya’la, Müsned, No:6839

[32]- Buhari, Libas: 43; Müslim, Müsafirin:218

[33]- Buhari, Mevakitu’s-Salât:5; Müslim, İman: 139

[34]- Taberani, el-Mu’cemu’l-Kebir: No:181; Tirmizi, Deavat:4

[35]- Munavi, Feyzü’l-Kadir No:202;Ebu Davud, Sünnet,15

[36]- Taberani, el-Mu’cemu’l-Kebir, XI, 71, No:11079

[37]- see Sevgi ve Dostluk (Doç.Dr. İsmail Karagöz) Ankara, 2004

[38]- Haris el-Muhasibi, states that the beginning of love is obey .(Aşk Risaleleri, sh.17-Sır publications)

[39]- Chapter Al-i İmran, Verse 31

[40] Chapter Nisa, Verse 80







Muhammed Enes Aykut






















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