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  Written by: Mutlu Binici

Translated by: Yasin Atmışdörtoğlu

Maybe while all young women wanted to marry to him, Abdullah chose Amine as wife. Abdullah was a young who was respected, loved, on behalf of whom the poems were read just like Joseph (pbuh). He was son of Abdulmuttalip.

Abdulmuttalip was a respected wise man and  a lord that was worldly-wise. He found the well of Zamzam that was memory of Ismail (pbuh) and hidden by Curhums. [1]

When he found the Zamzam well, Meccans threatened him, and they told him that he was alone, orphan, weak with just one boy, and he responded with this statement: "If one day I have ten boys, I will sacrifice one of them to my God."

After the years, Abdulmuttalip had ten boys. Then, he remembered his promise. He casted lots between his sons and took Abdullah to sacrifice. Abdullah obeyed without any objection to his dad as same as how Ismail (pbuh) had obeyed thousands of years ago in same place.

People that heard this event alarmed all city. If Abdulmuttalip would sacrifice Abdullah, sacrificing would be a custom. People would sacrifice their children for every simple reason. Meccans intervened, and they went to Medina to find a solution. Finally, they sacrificed 100 camels in return for Abdullah.[2]

Our beloved prophet would smile to people who called him "son of two sacrifices" for reminding him of this event and people who reminded his father and grand father to him.[3]

As Abdullah went home after surviving from being sacrificed, women that have beauty and fortune proposed offers that can allure a young man but Abdullah took refuge to his God from sin as same as how Joseph (pbuh) took refuge to his God by refusing Zuleyha's offer.[4]

Abdulmuttalip went to the son of Zuhre tribe's leader, Vehb b. Abdimenaf's house, and asked for his daughter’s hand for his son, Abdullah. Abdullah married to Amine, who was daughter of Vehb. At that times, grooms lived in his wife's house for three days. Abdullah did it, too, [5] and after that he started a family that was peaceful and bright. Amine and Abdullah became very happy.

One day, Abdullah left his home. It was necessary to do trade and bring home beacon. He joined to a camel train that was going to Damascus. Damascus was far and road was full of difficulties. Newly-wed couple who were married two months ago had to be separate for months.

When the camel train completed their trade and departed to come back to Mecca, Abdullah got sick. After he realized that he couldn’t arrive in Mecca, he said, "You can go. I will stay here in Madina with my uncles." Having Abdullah getting ill, he took refuge to Madina.

When the camel train reached to Mecca, sons of Hasim tribe whom Abdullah belonged to and Amine grieved as Abdullah wasn't in this train. When Abdulmuttalip learned his favorite son's disease, he sent his biggest son, Haris, to Medina that was hometown of their uncles.

 Haris went to Medina as fast as possible but couldn't avoid will of God. Abdullah passed away and was buried in the Nabiga’s garden, who was member of the sons of Adiy b. Neccar tribe. When Haris returned Mecca, Haris's words let his aged father, his family and Amine in particular deep grieve again because he brought knell of his brother beside his brother.[6]

Young woman shed tears and cried over her husband. She told how her husband was merciful and generous; and how much she loved him through her elegy.[7] When Abdullah died, he was 18 [8] or 25 [9] years old. He just bequeathed bondwoman named Ummu Eymen, five camels, a few sheep, one sword and a few silver to his family.[10] But there was one inheritance that brought solution to the world. People will never forget the Qureshian man who passed away in a foreign land at young age.

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[1] İbn Hişam, Sîre, I, 151-154;İbn Sa'd, Tabakat I, 83.

[2] İbn Hişam ibid., I, 164; Yakubî, Tarih, I, 252.

[3] Hakîm, Müstedrek, II, 604.

[4] İbn Hişam, ibid., I, 164; Süheyli, Ravzu’l-Unuf, II, 141.

[5] İbn Sa'd, ibid. I, 95.

[6] İbn Sa'd, ibid. I, 99.

[7] İbn Sa'd, ibid. I, 100.

[8] Zürkanî, Şerhu'l-Mevahib, I, 109.

[9] İbn Sa'd, ibid.., I, 99; İbn Esîr, el-Kamil, I, 10.

[10] İbn Esîr, Üsdü'l-Ğabe, I, 21.


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